The Brutally Honest Guide to Building Better Cards

Web Bae

Learn how to build accessible, responsive card components that don’t suck. This step-by-step guide shows you how to improve your web cards with better structure, interactive elements, and proper accessibility techniques.


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I get it. You’re a budding web developer, and you’re building your first card component. You slap together a <div>, throw in an image, maybe toss a link inside and—voilà—you’ve got something vaguely resembling a card. And it works, technically. But it's trash. Because deep down, you know you’re just winging it, and the accessibility? Non-existent. Responsiveness? Barely.

Time to fix that.

Here’s the deal: cards should be interactive, responsive, and accessible. This isn't optional. We’re going to build a card that doesn’t just look good on your machine but works for people who don’t even see the screen the way you do.

Ready? Here’s how to make a card that doesn’t suck.

The Crappy Beginner Card (And Why It’s Bad)

Here’s what you probably did:

<div class="card">
  <img src="image.jpg" alt="Image" />
  <a href="#">Card Title</a>
  <p>Some description goes here.</p>

It’s fine, right? The image shows up. The link works. The paragraph’s sitting there, doing its thing. But here’s why this card sucks:

  1. The whole thing isn’t clickable: You have a link in there, but it only works on the title. Why not make the whole damn card interactive?
  2. Accessibility? Non-existent: Screen readers and keyboard users will struggle. You didn’t even think about them, did you?
  3. Layout is weak: Your card’s likely going to collapse or blow up in size, depending on the viewport. You didn’t plan for responsiveness.

But I’m not here just to dunk on your crappy card. I built them like this for years actually. I’m here to help you fix it.

Step 1: Structure Like You Give a Damn

First up, let’s get the structure right. Your card needs to be a list item. If it’s part of a group, it should announce itself as part of that group to screen readers. Here’s how we start:

<ul class="list">
  <li class="card">
    <img src="image.jpg" alt="Descriptive alt text" />
    <div class="card_content">
      <a href="#" class="card_title">Card Title</a>
      <p>Some description goes here.</p>

Why’s this better?

  • It’s a list item, which matters for screen readers. They can announce it as “Item 1 of X” when users are scrolling through. Structure matters, dude!
  • The content is cleanly wrapped up in a .card_content div, which will make styling easier later.

Note that if you're building this out in Webflow from CMS, you'll be OK because Webflow adds a role=listitem attribute to the element - so no worries there.

Step 2: Grid Layout Like a Pro

Let’s put these cards in a responsive grid. If you’re still using floats or inline-blocks to lay out your cards, close this tab right now. CSS Grid is what you should be using, and it’s not optional.

.list {
  display: grid;
  gap: 1rem;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(20rem, 1fr));
  list-style: none;
  • auto-fit ensures your cards resize automatically and fit the container, no matter the screen size.
  • minmax(20rem, 1fr) guarantees each card is at least 20rem wide but can stretch to fill the available space.

This makes your card layout bulletproof. Small screen? No problem. Massive monitor? You’re covered. Flexbox? I’m sure it has its uses somewhere else, but for grids, this is the boss.

Step 3: Expand the Hitbox, Dummy

You want your whole card to be interactive, right? Here’s where you probably wrapped your entire card in a <a> tag like some amateur hour nonsense. DON’T DO THAT. It’s horrible for accessibility and makes it impossible to have other interactive elements inside the card, like a button or secondary link.

Instead, we use CSS to make the main action of the card—whether it’s a link or a button—expand to fill the whole card. We’ll do that with a ::before pseudo-element.

.card {
  position: relative;
  padding: 1rem;
  background-color: #fff;
  border-radius: 0.5rem;

.card_title::before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  inset: 0;
  z-index: 1;
  cursor: pointer;
  border: 2px solid transparent;
  border-radius: 0.5rem;
  transition: border-color 200ms;

.card_title:focus-visible::before {
  border-color: hotpink;

This pseudo-element sits over the title link but spans the entire card, making the whole thing clickable while still only wrapping the title in a semantic <a> tag. This way, screen readers announce only what’s relevant (“Card Title, link”) without spitting out every piece of content inside your card.

Plus, the hover effect is slick, and the focus-visible style ensures that keyboard users aren’t left in the dark. You want to remove the default focus outline? Fine. But you’d better replace it with something visible and accessible, like this hotpink border.

Step 4: Give Your Secondary Actions Some Love

Now that the whole card is clickable, you’re probably wondering: “What if I want other buttons or links inside the card?” Yeah, we thought of that. Enter secondary actions.

You might want a little button or tag for additional interactivity—something that sits alongside the main content but doesn’t interfere with it. Here’s how you do it:

<a href="#" class="card_secondary_action">Tag</a>

And here' the CSS:

.card_secondary_action {
  position: relative;
  font-size: 0.8rem;
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  border-radius: 0.5rem;
  padding: 0.125rem 0.5rem;
  z-index: 2;
  border: 2px solid transparent;

.card_secondary_action:focus-visible {
  border-color: hotpink;

See that z-index: 2? That’s because our title link’s hitbox is floating above everything else with a ::before pseudo-element. So, we bump the secondary action’s z-index to make sure it’s clickable, too.

Step 5: It’s Not Just About Looks—Accessibility Matters

Now you might be thinking, “Does any of this actually matter for screen reader users or keyboard navigation?” Damn right it does. Let’s take a moment to realize that accessibility isn’t optional. Without proper keyboard focus states and semantic HTML, you’re just building pretty junk that excludes people.

Here’s why your new card component is better:

  1. It’s keyboard-friendly: Every interactive element has clear focus states, so tabbing through your site doesn’t feel like stumbling in the dark.
  2. Screen readers know what’s up: Using list items means screen readers can announce them properly, and having clear link text makes sure users know what’s clickable.
  3. Responsiveness done right: It’s a grid, it’s responsive, and it works beautifully on all screens without a hacky mix of media queries and floats.

Downside of this CSS-only Solution

One downside of this CSS only solution is that any text inside is not selectable now since our pseudo element covers everything. What if we had a post summary inside? We could go ahead and use z-index to raise it up above, but then we reduce the hitbox size and the whole card is not clickable anymore. For a tidy solution to this that does not use the ::before pseudo element but does sprinkle in some Javascript, check out the final example in the CSS Tricks writeup, linked below. Note there is a top comment which mentions that final solution causes two tabs to open up in Firefox.

Wrapping It Up

Your card component isn’t just a random hodgepodge of tags anymore. It’s structured, accessible, and actually makes sense to the people using it. This is the card component you should be building, not some slapped-together mess you’ll regret a month from now.

So, stop writing garbage code and start making something that works for everyone, not just for you on your shiny laptop.

And no, wrapping the whole card in an <a> tag is never the answer. Ever.

Relevant Links

  1. Block Links: The Search for a Perfect Solution by CSS Tricks
  2. Pitfalls of Card UIs by Dave Rupert
  3. Block Links, Cards, Clickable Regions, Rows, Etc. by Adrian Roselli
  4. Accessible Cards by Kitty Giraudel