GSAP vs. Webflow for Website Animations

Web Bae

Which is Better for Animations? - Webflow IX2 or GSAP? It's a tough question to answer because both tools have their strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately, it depends on your needs and skill level.


See the Pen Splide Slider by learyjk (@learyjk) on CodePen.

Let's cut to the chase: GSAP vs. Webflow for animations - which one is better? It's a tough question to answer because both tools have their strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately, it depends on your needs and skill level.

If you're a seasoned web developer or designer with coding experience and want to create custom, complex animations, GSAP is the way to go. GSAP's versatility, cross-browser compatibility, and precise control over animation timelines and motion paths make it the go-to tool for creating animations that are smooth, fast, and responsive. And unlike CSS animations, GSAP animations are optimized for performance, making them faster and smoother.

On the other hand, if you're a beginner or want to design websites quickly and easily without the need for coding, Webflow is the better option. Webflow's drag-and-drop interface, built-in animation tool, and pre-built templates and components make it a breeze to create simple, yet attractive animations and design user-friendly websites. And the best part? You don't need any coding knowledge to get started. The visual designer makes things very intuitive for those getting started with motion design and can be used to create great animations incredibly quickly. I said earlier that it's best for simple animations, but you can also create stunning and complex animated designs with the visual builder.

But let's be real - who doesn't want the best of both worlds? While GSAP and Webflow cater to different needs, they can also complement each other. For instance, you can use Webflow to design the overall look and feel of your website and create simple animations, then use GSAP to add custom, complex animations that give your website that extra edge. It's like a jab jab hook cross combo... but for web development instead of boxing.

These days I find myself reaching for GSAP in almost every one of my Webflow builds. Here are some examples of why I love it so much.

Why You Might Pick GSAP Over Webflow Interactions

Timeline Control

GSAP provides a timeline feature that allows you to control the sequence and timing of your animations. This is useful when you want to create complex animations that involve multiple elements with different animation durations and delays.

Here's an example of how you can use timelines in GSAP:

See the Pen GSAP Timeline Simple Example by Web Bae (@webisbae) on CodePen.

In this example, we create a timeline using gsap.timeline() and add three animations to it. The first animation moves the box with id #first 50 pixels to the right over one 0.3 seconds. The second animation moves #second 100 pixels to the right over 0.4 seconds with a delay of 0.2 seconds. The third animation moves #third 100 pixels to the right over 0.5 seconds.

With timelines, you have precise control over the sequence and timing of your animations, allowing you to create complex animations with ease. Also, imagine storing those your animation values in VARIABLES such that you could CHANGE and REUSE them easily. No more 1000x clicks in Webflow Interactions Pane just because you wanted to change the duration of one item and now EVERYTHING ELSE has to change.

Here's a Spotify loading animation rebuild I did that utilizes complex timelines. GSAP really shined here as I was able to quickly and efficiently able to try out different timings and eases, store values in variables, use loops to repeat code, and utilize function-based values to get really fancy with letter spacing.


The stagger object in GSAP allows you to apply a stagger effect to a group of elements, which means that each element is animated with a slight delay from the previous element. This is useful when you want to create a cascading effect, such as animating a list of items or a grid of images.

Here's an example of how you can use the stagger object in GSAP to animate our boxes:

See the Pen Untitled by Web Bae (@webisbae) on CodePen.

Here's what each line means:

  •'.box', {...});: this tells GSAP to apply a sequence of animations to all elements with the class 'box'.
  • x: 200: this sets the 'x' position of the box to 200, which moves the box 200 units (pixels in this case) to the right.
  • duration: 0.3: this sets the duration of the animation to 0.3 seconds, which is how long the animation will take to complete.
  • stagger: 0.2: this adds a delay between each box animation in a group of elements, in this case, the boxes with the class 'box'.
  • yoyo: true: this makes the box return to its original position after moving to the right by 200 units. It creates a back-and-forth motion.
  • repeat: -1: this tells the animation to repeat indefinitely, so the box will keep moving back and forth.

If you tried to recreate this effect in Webflow, you would have to animate each box individually. Further more, if you wanted to change the stagger duration or duration of any element in your Webflow animation, you'd have to update every item to accommodate the change - huge time sink! GSAP's stagger property is a huge time saver for your cascading animations.

Check out this Stagger From Bottom Text Animation video for a good intro to the stagger property with text, and then watch what wonders you can create when you apply stagger to a metric butt ton of circles with this Area17 Hero Rebuild.


GSAP also provides a ScrollTrigger feature that allows you to create animations triggered by scrolling. This is useful when you want to create complex animations that involve elements animating in and out of view as the user scrolls.

Here's an example of how you can use ScrollTrigger in GSAP:

See the Pen GSAP Stagger Simple Demo by Web Bae (@webisbae) on CodePen.

Here's what each line means:

  • gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger): this tells GSAP to register the ScrollTrigger plugin so that it can be used in our animation. don't forget to import the plugin from CDN or your favorite package manager too!
  • let tl = gsap.timeline({scrollTrigger: {...}}): this creates a timeline that specifies how the animation will be triggered by the scroll event.
  • scrollTrigger: {...}: this object contains several properties that determine how the animation will behave when the user scrolls the page.
  • trigger: '#trigger': this tells ScrollTrigger to use the element with the ID 'trigger' as the trigger for the animation. When the top of the trigger element reaches the top of the viewport, the animation will start.
  • start: 'top top': this sets the start position of the animation to the top of the trigger element and the top of the viewport.
  • end: 'bottom top': this sets the end position of the animation to the top of the viewport and the bottom of the trigger element.
  • markers: true: this adds markers to the viewport to help visualize the animation.
  • scrub: 1: This hooks up the ScrollTrigger to the user's scroll. A value of true makes the scroll behavior 1:1, but here we pass a value of 1 which essentially tells ScrollTrigger to wait one second to catch up to the scroll event. This makes the animation smooth and continuous, so the box moves gradually as the user scrolls.
  •'.box', {x: 500}): this adds an animation to the timeline that moves the box 500 units to the right when the trigger element reaches the top of the viewport.

So, when the user scrolls the page, the trigger element will start the animation, and the box will move 500 units to the right in a smooth and continuous motion.

With ScrollTrigger, you can create complex animations that are triggered by scrolling and give your website a unique and interactive feel. Webflow has a great "while scrolling" option too, but doesn't have the most intuitive options for start and end triggers. I prefer GSAP for that reason. Try setting the markers property to true as well inside your ScrollTrigger options block to introduce a visual guide element to your Scroll-based animations with ScrollTrigger.

Want to see an example of just how fancy a GSAP ScrollTrigeer animation can get? Check out my Epic Words that Stick animation for a good example of combining ScrollTrigger with the GSAP stagger object.

Motion Paths

GSAP also provides a motion path feature that allows you to animate elements along a custom path. This is useful when you want to create complex animations that involve elements moving in a specific path or pattern.

Here's an example of how you can use motion paths in GSAP:

Here's what each line of the code does:

  • gsap.registerPlugin(MotionPathPlugin): this line registers the MotionPathPlugin with GSAP, which allows us to use the motionPath property in the method.
  • const motionPath = {path: '#target-path', curviness: 1.5, autoRotate: true, align: '#target-path', alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5]};: this creates a motion path object that defines the path that the object will follow. The path property specifies the SVG path element that defines the path. The curviness property sets the smoothness of the motion path, and the autoRotate property specifies whether the object should rotate to match the direction of the path. The align property specifies the SVG path element that the object should align to as it moves along the path, and the alignOrigin property specifies where on the object the alignment point should be.
  •".box", {duration: 4, motionPath: motionPath, yoyo: true, repeat: -1});: this tells GSAP to move the object along the motion path that was defined earlier. The duration property sets the time it will take for the object to move along the path, and the motionPath property specifies the motion path object that defines the path the object will follow. The yoyo property specifies whether the object should move back and forth along the path, and the repeat property specifies how many times the animation should repeat (-1 means it should repeat indefinitely).

When you run this code, you should see the object move along the path that was defined, and it will repeat indefinitely.

With motion paths, you can create complex animations that involve elements moving in specific patterns or paths. For a good intro to MotionPath animating an indicator dot along a path, check out my MotionPath Intro and for something a little more complex and whimsical check out my Shasta Mountain Climb Scrollytelling example, which takes advantage of the ScrollTrigger plugin for GSAP too.


These are just a few examples of how GSAP can handle more complex animations that require precise control. With GSAP, you have a wide range of animation features that allow you to create custom, complex animations that are unique and interactive.

In the end, it all comes down to your specific needs and skill level. If you're a pro web developer or designer with coding experience, GSAP is the way to go. If you're a beginner or want to design websites quickly and easily without the need for coding, Webflow is your best bet. And if you want to go all out, use both! Regardless of your choice, both tools provide a range of features that make creating animations easier and more accessible.