Awwwards EOTD Rainbow Text Animation (GSAP, Webflow)

When I saw Awwwards post this EOTD (Element of the Day) I was excited to recreate it leveraging function-based values and registerEffect, which are some advanced GSAP techniques!

Watch the Tutorial on YouTubeGet the Project Cloneable

Inside <head> tag

-Escaped HTML-
<script defer src=""></script>
<script defer src=""></script>

[wb-element="rainbow-text"] {
	/* prevent flash of unstyled content */
	visibility: hidden;

Inside </body> tag

window.Webflow ||= [];
window.Webflow.push(() => {
	const COLORS_ARRAY = [
  "#f25b40", // orange
  "#2c3d71", // dark blue
  "#e92d65", // red
  "#f7b1cf", // pink
  "#86c1f7", // light blue
  "#ffd570", // yellow
  "#0e0e0e", // black
  const STEP_DURATION = 0.1;

  // grab a reference with an attributes CSS Selector
  const text = document.querySelector('[wb-element="rainbow-text"]');

  // prevent flash of unstyled content
  gsap.set(text, { autoAlpha: 1 });

  // splits the text into characters
  const splitText = new SplitType(text, { types: "chars" });

  // set first color (orange);
  gsap.set(splitText.chars, { color: COLORS_ARRAY[0] });

  // create our own custom animation called changeColor
    name: "changeColor",
    effect: (targets, config) => {
      return gsap.set(targets, { delay: config.duration, color: config.color });
    defaults: { duration: STEP_DURATION },
    extendTimeline: true, // allows the effect directly on any GSAP timeline

  // Tween it!
  gsap.from(splitText.chars, {
    scale: 0,
    stagger: STEP_DURATION,
    ease: "back.out",
    // function-based values!
    color: (index, target) => {
      // each letter gets it own timeline for color change.
      const tlColors = gsap.timeline();
      COLORS_ARRAY.forEach((color) => {
        tlColors.changeColor(target, { duration: STEP_DURATION, color: color });