Award Winning Grid Trail Mouse Follow Effect

Let's rebuild the trailing grid mouse follow effect as seen on with p5.js. Learning how to make this delightful animation can teach you a lot about Javascript and inspire other effects to help you build eye catching websites!

Watch the Tutorial on YouTubeGet the Project Cloneable

Inside <head> tag

Inside </body> tag

<script src=""></script>
const CELL_SIZE = 40; // size of each cell in the grid
const COLOR_R = 79;
const COLOR_G = 38;
const COLOR_B = 233;
const STARTING_ALPHA = 200;
const PROB_OF_NEIGHBOR = 0.5;

let colorWithAlpha;
let numRows;
let numCols;
let currentRow = -2;
let currentCol = -2;
let allNeighbors = []; // Array to store all neighbors

function setup() {
  let cnv = createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);"position", "fixed");"inset", 0);"z-index", -1);
  colorWithAlpha = color(COLOR_R, COLOR_G, COLOR_B, STARTING_ALPHA);
  numRows = Math.ceil(windowHeight / CELL_SIZE); // number of rows in the grid
  numCols = Math.ceil(windowWidth / CELL_SIZE); // number of columns in the grid

function draw() {

  // Calculate the row and column of the cell that the mouse is currently over
  let row = floor(mouseY / CELL_SIZE);
  let col = floor(mouseX / CELL_SIZE);

  // Check if the mouse has moved to a different cell
  if (row !== currentRow || col !== currentCol) {
    currentRow = row;
    currentCol = col;
    // Add new neighbors to the allNeighbors array
    allNeighbors.push(...getRandomNeighbors(row, col));

  // Use the calculated row and column to determine the position of the cell
  let x = col * CELL_SIZE;
  let y = row * CELL_SIZE;

  // Draw a highlighted rectangle over the cell under the mouse cursor
  rect(x, y, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE);

  // Draw and update all neighbors
  for (let neighbor of allNeighbors) {
    let neighborX = neighbor.col * CELL_SIZE;
    let neighborY = neighbor.row * CELL_SIZE;
    // Update the opacity of the neighbor
    neighbor.opacity = max(0, neighbor.opacity - AMT_FADE_PER_FRAME); // Decrease opacity by 5 each frame
    stroke(COLOR_R, COLOR_G, COLOR_B, neighbor.opacity);
    rect(neighborX, neighborY, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE);
  // Remove neighbors with zero opacity
  allNeighbors = allNeighbors.filter((neighbor) => neighbor.opacity > 0);

function getRandomNeighbors(row, col) {
  let neighbors = []; // Initialize an empty array to store neighbor cells

  // Loop through the cells surrounding the given cell (row, col)
  for (let dRow = -1; dRow <= 1; dRow++) {
    for (let dCol = -1; dCol <= 1; dCol++) {
      // Calculate the neighboring cell's row and column indices
      let neighborRow = row + dRow;
      let neighborCol = col + dCol;

      // Check if the current cell in the loop is the given cell (row, col)
      let isCurrentCell = dRow === 0 && dCol === 0;

      // Check if the neighboring cell is within the grid boundaries
      let isInBounds =
        neighborRow >= 0 &&
        neighborRow < numRows &&
        neighborCol >= 0 &&
        neighborCol < numCols;

      // If the cell is not the given cell, is within bounds, and has a 50% chance,
      // add the neighboring cell to the neighbors array
      if (!isCurrentCell && isInBounds && Math.random() < PROB_OF_NEIGHBOR) {
          row: neighborRow,
          col: neighborCol,
          opacity: 255, // Initial opacity of the neighbor

  // Return the array of randomly-selected neighboring cells
  return neighbors;

function windowResized() {
  resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
  numRows = Math.ceil(windowHeight / CELL_SIZE); // number of rows in the grid
  numCols = Math.ceil(windowWidth / CELL_SIZE); // number of columns in the grid
